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Quantix | Marketing Consulting
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Insightfully yours,


Summit-ul industriei de health & fitness din România, 2023
-Noiembrie 2023-

Summit-ul ROMANIA ACTIVE HEALTH & FITNESS BUSINESS s-a desfăşurat în 16 noiembrie 2023 la Nord Events Center în Bucureşti. Ca și la ediția precedentă, Quantix a participat în calitate de partener de insights și speaker, contribuind la subiectele abordate cu date din cercetări de piață despre sport și un stil de viață sănătos. Din partea Quantix a luat cuvântul fondatorul companiei, Cosmin Nae.

 Evenimentul a fost organizat de către Romania Active.
RomaniaActive este vocea a industriei românești de sănătate și fitness, ce promovează interesele tuturor organizațiilor care activează în domeniu și își propune să motiveze tot mai mulți români să fie mai activi, mai des.



Infertilitatea în România
-Martie 2023-

Quantix a coordonat a doua ediție a primului studiu despre infertilitate în România.
Principalele concluzii au fost prezentate în conferința de presă din 7 Martie, organizată de Running Events.
Studiul actual vine în continuarea demersului inițiat de ASOCIAŢIA PENTRU REPRODUCERE UMANĂ  în 2018, oferind o perspectivă dinamică, longitudinală, în înțelegerea cuplurilor care au avut sau au probleme de fertilitate.

Temele principale abordate au vizat atât zonele de infertilitate tratată (sarcini active sau copii născuți cu tratament) cât și zonele cu potențial de infertilitate (cupluri care își doresc copii, incearcă dar nu reușesc pe cale naturală). Pe lângă acestea, studiul a abordat detalii despre consultul medical de specialitate, diagnosticele  de infertilitate sau evaluarea șanselor de a obține o sarcină după consult/diagnosticare. Mai mult, s-au explorat cunoașterea și relevanța Programului Național de Fertilizare, detalii despre FIV sau procesul de crioconservare a ovocitelor de către femei.
Media: HotNewsJurnalulG4 MediaClick!, Genesis AthensAsociatia pentru Reproducere Umana








RomaniaActive Health & Fitness Business Summit
-Noiembrie 2022-

Quantix a participant în calitate de partener de insights si speaker la primul summit care a reunit profesioniști din industria de health & fitness. Este vorba despre RomaniaActive Health & Fitness Business Summit unde s-a discutat despre cele mai noi trenduri și cum se va dezvolta piața în următorii ani.

Evenimentul a avut loc miercuri, 23 noiembrie, la Le Château Ballroom în București, fiind organizat de către RomaniaActive, Asociația Română de Health & Fitness (RHFA) în parteneriat cu Technogym, Matrix România, UPfit.cloud, 7 Distribution.ro, Move On, Les Mills, DY Nutrition și Atline.








Video-Manifesto, based on our Sport & Healthy Lifestyle reports







Joi, 17 Octombrie 2019

Conferința de lansare a Raportului Sport și viață sănătoasă în România. 2019
Locație: Muzeul Sportului

Invitați în panelul de discuțiiCristina Miclea (Albalact), Răzvan Ionescu (Impact Developer & Contractor), Alina Damaschin (Rogalski Damaschin Public Relations), Ionela Paunica (Fundația Telekom), Vlad Stoica (Smart Atletic), Ionuț Danteș (AS Nord Sport).
Gazda și moderatorul Conferinței: Cosmin Nae, QUANTIX.
Citește ideile principale reieșite din prezentarea rezultatelor.
Vezi aici metodologia si continutul Raportului.

Eveniment organizat cu sprijinul: 










13 Trends to watch in 2019
Our society is transforming at fast pace. Romanians change their shopping and consumption patterns, adopt new values and lifestyles. Among these shifts, an important aspect is how we redefine our life priorities.

In this Sports & Healthy Lifestyle Trend Report, we focused on a few areas we considered could be worth watching throughout 2019.

They are not predictions, as several factors will play an influence on our future. However, for all interested market players, consumers, brands, or organizations, these pages may provide an insightful perspective on a number of key areas with potential significant development and impact.
Read the TRENDS now!







5 Iulie 2018, București
Conferință de presă
Prezentarea rezultatelor Studiului „Atitudini și comportamente ale românilor legate de sport”, realizat de Quantix Marketing Consulting pentru Telekom Romania

Citește Comunicat „Mișcarea face Bine
Citește Comunicat Telekom Romania
Vezi Colaj Video







18 Iunie 2018, București
Conferință de presă
Asociația pentru Reproducere Umană din România prezintă primul studiu despre infertilitate din România
Locație: Radisson București
Media: ProTV, Ziarul Financiar, Hotnews.ro, Adevarul, CSID.ro
Proiect coordonat de Quantix









Joi, 5 octombrie 2017
Orele 16:45-18.30
Conferința de lansare a Raportului “Sportul și viața sănătoasă în România. 2017”
Locație: Restaurant Pescăruș (parcul Herăstrău) / București, Sector 1
Citeste Comunicat

Moderator- Cosmin Nae, Quantix
Bogdan Antohe – Smart Atletic, Calin Clej – Marketing Director PepsiCo, Greater Balkans & South East Europe Franchise Beverages, Dan Muraru – Managing Director Roton Music, importator Giant si alte branduri în România, Dragos Petrescu – Președinte al grupului City Grill, Valeria Racilă van Groningen – Bucharest RUNNING Club
Eveniment organizat cu sprijinul: City Grill, SMARK, Daedalus Online, Gatorade, partysound.ro


We research Consumers, Brands & Markets in Romania since 1999. We learned to be efficient and insightful, delivering end-to-end marketing research solutions for our local and international customers.
We are impactful and actionable for the brand and the company.

Insights partner for companies in Sport & Health, Banking, Retail, Electro-IT, HORECA, FMCG, Hospitality & Tourism, Energy, Real Estate, Media & Advertising or Market Research.

Be part of the experience!

Contact us



Sports and active living during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Data shows that the interest in sports survived! The incidence of practice is almost stable, though behaviors have been reshaped. More focus on in-home training, on individual sport, less practice than in the past and, even worse, less expected practice in the future. The lack of amateur competitions had a negative impact mainly on running and biking.

Surprisingly, the healthy living trend is getting bigger, and it is here to stay. Although COVID-19 had a big impact over lifestyle in general, Sport still has a good momentum in Romania and proves to be a healthy territory to be assumed by more and more companies and brands, as impact of healthy living across industries is growing.

The research on sports and healthy living in Romania 2021 takes place between March 10-12, on a sample of 1146 answers, representative for the online population in urban areas, 18-70 years old. It is a recurring study that captures the evolution of the attitudes and behavior of the Romanian population in relation to sports, healthy living and brands involved in these phenomena.

QUANTIX`s 2021 edition of Sports and Healthy Lifestyle in Romania continues our insights legacy on these topics. The current project builds on the existing Sport Insights platform, continuing to track most of the KPIs we provide for the Romanian population since 2014. 

See the Quick Preview in order to get familiar with the methodology and content.



QUANTIX`s 2019 edition of Sports and Healthy Lifestyle in Romania is the 4th major market research release (after 2014, 2015 and 2017). The current project builds on the existing Sport Insights platform, continuing to track most of the KPIs we provide for the Romanian population. We dig deeper in this new release on the healthy attitudes and behaviors. We also place a higher emphasis on brands in order to increase relevance for more categories and players.

As our fresh data shows, Sports continue to be a major area of interest for most of the Romanians and the incidence of people who practice is continuously growing, reflecting a positive trend since 2014. The 2019 Report includes a detailed exploration of brand associations with sport and healthy lifestyle, for 18 market categories of products & services. A second freshness of 2019 edition is a market segmentation based on attitudes to sports and associated behaviors.

Our proposition is based on our experience of more than 25 studies on sport & wellbeing run over the past 5 years, on our senior expertise in research & marketing, on our commitment to the world of Sports, on our engagement in a large variety of related areas, on the fact that we put soul and effort in this project.
See the Quick Preview in order to get familiar with the methodology and content.


“13 TRENDS in Sport & Healthy Lifestyle in Romania in 2019”

Many of the Romanians tend to place greater value on important things in our lives, giving them more time, energy or money. Among these relevant areas we constantly find sports, healthy food and mental balance.

It is expected to have these themes emphasized in a society where GenX are actually the largest generation, about 50% more than the frequently discussed millennials. People between 35-55 go through profound changes in the current social context, they seek wellbeing and often afford to take initiative.

No surprise that the sport industry is growing, with more people practicing various types of activities. Consequently, we have more sport & recreation shops, more brands, a fast developing active culture. Strongly connected, people naturally get higher interest in the quality of the food, drinks or cosmetics they use. In the supermarket or in the restaurant, consumers are more aware of the composition of the products, their source, the health benefits or potential risks. The established international brands, local producers, HoReCa, large retailers or small private shops, they all started to adapt to these trends  and often take specific actions, acting as catalysts and vectors of change towards a more active and a healthier society.
Download PDF here:


Do you like sport or even work in an organization that encourage sport and healthy life? Do you have in your portfolio products in this category? Do you support sports events or sponsor athletes? May you have colleagues in the company participating in the marathons or running contest? Do you have internal programs to stimulate the practice of sport? 

Just a single “Yes” should make you interested in our latest insights on sport and a healthy lifestyle.

Our research study explores factual and attitudinal aspects related to the practice of sports in Romania. There are also valued perceptions of the population related to the performances of the top Romanian athletes. Given the strong link identified in our past editions between sport and health, the 2017 research has now a more broadly looked at issues related to the health of the population. We thus establish a connection between the interest for sport and healthy life (diet, lifestyle balanced, medical themes).

See the Quick Preview in order to get familiar with the methodology, content and a glimpse of insights!

Viata in Paradisul Verde - Raport de cercetare 2017

Micro-community Research 2017

Cartierul Paradisul Verde din Ilfov este o comunitate aparte.

Profilul socio-demografic al unui astfel de segment non-urban, nu numai că nu se suprapune deloc pentru arhetipul ,,țăranului”, ca exponent al mediului rural, dar este chiar o pătură premium a populației, ceea ce ar trebui să stimuleze interesul în multe categorii de produse și servicii. Pe lângă temele de interes local, respondenților din Paradisul Verde le-am adresat și întrebări legate de evaluarea unor mărci din mai multe sectoare relevante.

Contactează-ne pentru a primi gratuit Extrasul Raportului de cercetare.






Research design can always make the difference. It can save cost and timing, maximizing data analysis perspectives or simply staying statistically accurate and relevant with your target market.  Our smart designs are incorporating social and marketing research fundamentals together with our custom approach in respect to specific industry expertise and the brief context.



Market Share
Brand Image
Usage & Attitudes
Customer Satisfaction
Net Promoter Score
Shopping Experience
Market Segmentation
Shopper Research
Post-Campaign Evaluations
Catchment Area



Both consumers and brands want to live forever. Being disconnected to sport and a healthy life is not an option. Our Reports will help you understand and stay connected to everything that matters for your brand, products or CSR initiatives.
Honored to be the Insights Partner for:
Bucharest Running Club | Maratonul Olteniei | Smart Atletic I RomaniaActive Baneasa Trail Run

Youth KPIs in Romania

Compiled data and analysis for brands and companies with focus on young segments in Romania. Based on regular qualitative discussions and tracker surveys since 2012.

Insights partner to more than 20 companies , NGOs, media and Education institutions.

Trends, Influencers & Micro-communities

We use to interview different KOL and communities to understand and stay connected to trends and different attitudes towards products, services or brands. No matter you are a consumer oriented or market driving company, B2C or B2B.


(RO) Activează în marketing din 1998, având experiență în numeroase sectoare. Are peste 10 ani de activitate în cadrul unor multinaționale de top (Citigroup, Vodafone). Fondează Quantix în 2009, cu care dezvoltă servicii de consultanță pe research, strategie și branding. Este Strategic Consultant pentru Millward Brown. Editor si colaborator pentru SMARK. Partener pe diverse proiecte cu Svasta ICG si Think Digital Group. Co-fondator Youth Monitor. Fondator Sport Insights (2013).

(ENG) Cosmin has been active in marketing since 1998, with over 10 years of activity in top multinationals (Citigroup, Vodafone). He founded Quantix in 2009 to develop research, strategy and business consulting services. He is also a Strategic Consultant for Millward Brown in Romania, editor and collaborator for SMARK or partner on various projects with ICG and Think Digital Group. Co-founder of the Youth Monitor. Founder of Sport Insights (2013).

Cosmin Nae

General Manager, Quantix

(RO) În cei aproape 20 de ani de experiență în domeniul cercetării de piață a trecut prin toate operațiunile realizării unui studiu, de la analist la consultant. S-a format ca om de cercetare într-o companie cu renume- GfK România, continuând să acumuleze experiență alături de alte organizații de prestigiu precum Vodafone și Ipsos.
S-a alăturat echipei Quantix în 2010.

(ENG) In nearly 20 years of experience in the field of market research, Cornelia has gone through all the operations of conducting a study, from analyst to consultant. She has debuted in GfK Romania, continuing to gain experience with other prestigious organizations such as Vodafone and Ipsos.
e joined Quantix in 2010.

Cornelia Nenciu

Research Manager, Managing Partner, Quantix

(RO) A debutat profesional (1999) în cadrul unor companii multinaționale și activează din 2006 în antreprenoriat, in arii legate de consultanță, inovație și cercetări de marketing. A urmat cursuri la Frost & Sullivan sau London Business School si ulterior a cofondat si patentat solutia internationala de marketing in-store, Tokinomo. Implicat în proiecte pe diverse sectoare, are o larga experiență în transformarea datelor de cercetare în insight-uri relevante pentru business.
S-a alăturat echipei Quantix în 2016.

(ENG) Radu debuted professionally (1999) in multinational companies and has been active for over 15 years in entrepreneurship, in areas related to consultancy, innovation and marketing research. He attended courses at Frost & Sullivan or London Business School and later co-founded and co-patented the international in-store marketing solution TOKINOMO. Involved in projects across sectors, he has extensive experience in transforming research data into insights relevant to business.  
He joined Quantix in 2016.

Radu Bogdan

Business Development, Managing Partner, Quantix

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